Women and Bleeding Disorders (WBD)

“Women and girls with bleeding disorders face numerous additional challenges, including monthly bleeding, pregnancy, and childbirth, that require better research and recognition, to bridge the significant gap in equitable care that we are striving to achieve across Europe.”


What about Women and Bleeding Disorders?

The Women and Bleeding Disorders (WBD) Committee of the EHC officially started in 2018. Since then, committee members meet every month to advance their cause: creating awareness, recognition, support, and education about and for women in the bleeding disorder community at the European level.

Bleeding disorders affect both men and women, with women often experiencing amplified symptoms during menstruation, childbirth, and perimenopause, including heavier and longer menstrual flows, increased pain, and a higher risk of haemorrhagic ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Due to the misconception that these disorders only affect men, many women remain undiagnosed and untreated.